The background to C# / PDF

The background to C# / PDF

The background to C# / PDF

The history of C#

A computer program is a series of instructions that are obeyed by a computer. The point of the instructions is to carry out a task — e.g. play a game, send an e-mail, etc. The instructions are written in a particular style: they must conform to the rules of the programming language we choose. There are hundreds of programming languages, but only a few have made an impact and become widely used. The history of programming languages is a form of evolution, and here we will look at the roots of Cit (‘C Sharp’). The names of the older languages are not important, but we provide them for completeness.

Around 1960, a programming language named Algol 60 was created. (‘Algol’ from the term ‘algorithm’ - a series of steps that can be performed to solve a problem.) This was popular in academic circles, but its ideas persisted longer than its use. At this time, other languages were more popular: COBOL for data processing, and Fortran for scientific work. In the UK, an extended version of Algol 60 was created (CPL — combined programming language), which was soon simplified into basic CPL, or BCPL.

We then move to Bell Laboratories USA, where Dennis Ritchie and others transformed BCPL into a language named B, which was then enhanced to become C, around 1970. C was tremendously popular. It was used to write the UNIX operating system, and much later, Linus Torvalds used it to write a version of UNIX — named LINUX — for PCs.

The next step came when C++ (‘C plus-plus’) was created around 1980 by Stroustrup, also at Bell Labs. This made possible the creation and reuse of separate sections of code, in a style known as ‘object-oriented programming’. (In C, you could use ++ to add one to an item — hence C++ is one up from C.)
C++ is still popular, but hard to use; it takes a lot of study. Around 1995, Sun Microsystems produced the Java language, which was heavily based on objects, but was simpler than C++. It also had the benefit of being able to run on many types of computers (Microsoft Windows PCs, Apple Mac, etc.). Java is still popular today.

In 2002, Microsoft announced the C# (‘C sharp’) language. It was similar to C++ and Java, with enhancements. (In music, the # sharp symbol means ‘one semitone higher’.) It was a major part of Microsoft’s ‘dot net’ initiative, described below. Because of C#’s similarity to its predecessors, learning it will make C, C++ and Java more approachable if ever you need to use them.

Of course, the above potted history is constrained to the branch of evolution that encompasses C, C++ and Java. Another notable branch began in 1964, with the invention of a language for beginners named BASIC, which has evolved to a version named Visual Basic — also part of ‘dot net’.

 The Microsoft NET framework

In 2002, Microsoft introduced a major new product, named the .NET framework. This is pronounced ‘dot net’. The main features are:
It comes with the programming languages C#, Visual Basic and C++.
It has facilities which help programmers to create interactive websites, such as those used for e-commerce. Microsoft sees the Internet as crucial, hence the name .NET.
There is the possibility of .NET being available for other operating systems, not only Microsoft Windows.
It lets us build software from components (‘objects’) that can be spread over a network.

• What is a program .
In this section we try to give the reader some impression of what a program is. One way to understand it is by using analogies with recipes, musical scores and knitting patterns. Even the instructions on a bottle of hair shampoo are a simple program:
wet hair
apply shampoo
massage shampoo into hair

This program is a list of instructions for a human being, but it does demonstrate one important aspect of a computer program - a program is a sequence of instructions that is obeyed, starting at the first instruction and going on from one to the next until the sequence is complete. A recipe, musical score and a knitting pattern are similar - they constitute a list of instructions that are obeyed in sequence. In the case of a knitting pattern, knitting machines exist which are fed with a program of instructions, which they then carry out (or ‘execute’). 

This is what a computer is - it is a machine that automatically obeys a sequence of instructions, a program. (In fact, if we make an error in the instructions, the computer is likely to do the wrong task.) The set of instructions that are available for a computer to obey typically includes:

input a number;
input some characters (letters and digits);
output some characters;
do a calculation;
output a number;
output some graphical image to the screen;
respond to a button on the screen being clicked by the mouse.

The job of programming is one of selecting from this list those instructions that will carry out the required task. These instructions are written in a specialized language called a programming language. C# is one of many such languages. Learning to program means learning about the facilities of the programming language and how to combine them so as to do something you want. The example of musical scores illustrates another aspect of programs. It is common in music to repeat sections, for example a chorus section. Musical notation saves the composer duplicating those parts of the score that are repeated and, instead, provides a notation specifying that a section of music is repeated. The same is true in a program; it is often the case that some action has to be repeated: for example, in a word-processing program, searching through a passage of text for the occurrence of a word. Repetition (or iteration) is common in programs, and C# has special instructions to accomplish this.

Recipes sometimes say something like: ‘if you haven’t got fresh peas, use frozen’. This illustrates another aspect of programs - they often carry out a test and then do one of two things depending on the result of the test. This is called selection, and as with repetition, C# has special facilities to accomplish it.

If you have ever used a recipe to prepare a meal, you may well have got to a particular step in the recipe only to find that you have to refer to another recipe. For example, you might have to turn to another page to find out how to cook rice, before combining it with the rest of the meal: the rice preparation has been separated out as a sub-task. This way of writing instructions has an important analogue in programming, called methods in C# and other object-oriented languages. Methods are used in all programming languages, but sometimes go under other names, such as functions, procedures, subroutines or sub-programs.
Methods are sub-tasks, and are so called because they are a method for doing something. Using ............

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