TUTORIAL HTML : Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Table of Contents:
1. Getting Started :
Web Apps Versus Native Apps
What Is a Web App?
What Is a Native App?
Pros and Cons
Which Approach Is Right for You?
Web Programming Crash Course
Introduction to HTML
Introduction to CSS
Introduction to JavaScript
2. Basic Styling :
Don’t Have a Website?
First Steps
Prepare a Separate Android Stylesheet
Control the Page Scaling
Adding the Android CSS
Adding the Android Look and Feel
Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
What You’ve Learned
3. Advanced Styling :
Adding a Touch of Ajax
Traffic Cop
Setting Up Some Content to Work With
Routing Requests with JavaScript
Simple Bells and Whistles
Progress Indicator
Setting the Page Title
Handling Long Titles
Automatic Scroll-to-Top
Hijacking Local Links Only
Roll Your Own Back Button
Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
What You’ve Learned
4. Animation :
With a Little Help from Our Friend
Sliding Home
Adding the Dates Panel
Adding the Date Panel
Adding the New Entry Panel
Adding the Settings Panel
Putting It All Together
Customizing jQTouch
What You’ve Learned
5. Client-Side Data Storage :
Web Storage
Saving User Settings to Local Storage
Saving the Selected Date to Session Storage
Web SQL Database
Creating a Database
Inserting Rows
Selecting Rows and Handling Result Sets
Deleting Rows
What You’ve Learned
Web Database Error Code Reference
6. Going Offline :
The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
The JavaScript Console
What You’ve Learned
7. Going Native:
Introduction to PhoneGap
Download the Android SDK
Download PhoneGap
Setting Up the Environment
viii | Table of Contents
Create an Android Virtual Device
Build KiloGap
Installing KiloGap in the Emulator
Using the Screen’s Full Height
Customizing the App Icon
Installing KiloGap on Your Phone
Controlling the Phone with JavaScript
Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
What You’ve Learned
8. Submitting Your App to the Android Market :
Preparing a Release Version of Your App
Removing Debug Code
Versioning Your App
Signing Your App
Uploading Your App to the Android Market
Distributing Your App Directly
Further Reading
Quick Description :
Introduction to HTML:
When you are browsing the web, the pages you are viewing are just text documents
sitting on someone else’s computer. The text in a typical web page is wrapped in HTML
tags, which tell your browser about the structure of the document. With this information,
the browser can decide how to display the information in a way that makes sense.
Consider the web page snippet shown in Example 1-1. On the first line, the string Hi
there! is wrapped in a pair of h1 tags. Notice that the open tag and the close tag are
slightly different: the close tag has a slash (/) as the second character, while the open
tag does not have a slash.
Wrapping text in h1 tags tells the browser that the words enclosed are a heading, which
will cause it to be displayed in large bold text on its own line. There are also h2, h3, h4,
h5, and h6 heading tags. The lower the number, the more important the header, so text
wrapped in an h6 tag will be smaller (i.e., less important-looking) than text wrapped in
an h3 tag.
After the h1 tag in Example 1-1, there are two lines wrapped in p tags. These are called
paragraph tags. Browsers will display each paragraph on its own line. If the paragraph
is long enough to exceed the width of the browser window, the text will bump down
and continue on the next line. In either case, a blank line will be inserted after the
paragraph to separate it from the next item on the page.
Example 1-1. HTML snippet
<h1>Hi there!</h1>
<p>Thanks for visiting my web page.</p>
<p>I hope you like it.</p>
You can also put HTML tags inside other HTML tags. Example 1-2 shows an unordered
list (ul) tag that contains three list items (li). In a browser, this appears as a bulleted
list with each item on its own line. When you have a tag or tags inside another tag, the
inner tags are called child elements, or children, of the parent tag. So in this example,
the li tags are children of the ul parent......
Tutorial HTML Download for free / PDF
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