Cours : C++ Basics / PDF

Cours : C++  Basics / PDF

Cours : C++  Basics / PDF

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Variables and Assignments

nVariables are like small blackboards
nWe can  write a number on them
nWe can change the number
nWe can erase the number
nC++ variables are names for memory locations
nWe can  write a value in them
nWe can change the value stored there
nWe cannot erase the memory location

nSome value is always there


nVariables names are called identifiers
nChoosing variable names
nUse meaningful names that represent data to
 be stored
nFirst character must be
na letter
nthe underscore character
nRemaining characters must be
nunderscore character


nKeywords (also called reserved words)
nAre used by the C++ language
nMust be used as they are defined in
the programming language
nCannot be used as identifiers........

Download Cours : C++  Basics / PDF

Cours : C++  Basics / PDF

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