Pascal language reference / PDF

Pascal language reference / PDF

Pascal language reference / PDF

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Preface
1.2 Compliance statement

2 Language Elements
2.1 What are language elements?
2.2 Character literals
2.3 Reserved words
2.4 Separators
2.5 Compiler directives
2.6 Special symbols
2.7 String literals
2.8 Numbers
2.8.1 Integers What are integers? Integers (Decimal notation) Integers (Hexadecimal notation) Integers (Binary notation)
2.8.2 Real numbers What are real numbers?
2.9 Identifiers
2.9.1 What are identifiers?
2.9.2 Built-in identifiers
2.9.3 User defined/declared identifiers
2.9.4 Directives What are directives? The external directive The forward directive

3 Labels
3.1 What are labels?

4 Constants
4.1 What are constants?
4.2 Built-in Constant Identifiers
4.2.1 What are built-in constant identifiers
4.2.2 appendmode
4.2.3 dir_bit
4.2.4 false
4.2.5 feature_calldll - calling DLLs supported?
4.2.6 feature_closedir - closedir supported?
4.2.7 feature_clrscr - clrscr supported?
4.2.8 feature_delay - delay supported?
4.2.9 feature_gotoxy - gotoxy supported?
4.2.10 feature_idispatch - COM/ActiveX objects supported?
4.2.11 feature_intr - intr supported?
4.2.12 feature_keypressed - keypressed supported?
4.2.13 feature_mysql - MySQL databases supported?
4.2.14 feature_odbc - ODBC databases supported?
4.2.15 feature_opendir - opendir supported?
4.2.16 feature_popen - popen supported?
4.2.17 feature_readdir - readdir supported?
4.2.18 feature_readkey - readkey supported?
4.2.19 feature_rewinddir - rewinddir supported?
4.2.20 feature_textbackground - textbackground supported?
4.2.21 feature_textcolor - textcolor supported?
4.2.22 feature_wherex - wherex supported?
4.2.23 feature_wherey - wherey supported?
4.2.24 grp_r
4.2.25 grp_w
4.2.26 grp_x
4.2.27 maxbyte
4.2.28 maxchar
4.2.29 maxint
4.2.30 maxword
4.2.31 nil
4.2.32 oth_r
4.2.33 oth_w
4.2.34 oth_x
4.2.35 platform_dos
4.2.36 platform_error
4.2.37 platform_fbsd
4.2.38 platform_linux
4.2.39 platform_os2
4.2.40 platform_solaris
4.2.41 platform_solaris_sparc
4.2.42 platform_win32
4.2.43 readmode
4.2.44 rsdefault
4.2.45 rsdynamic
4.2.46 rsforward
4.2.47 rskeyset
4.2.48 rsstatic
4.2.49 sql_tc_all
4.2.50 sql_tc_ddl_commit
4.2.51 sql_tc_ddl_ignore
4.2.52 sql_tc_dml
4.2.53 sql_tc_none
4.2.54 true
4.2.55 usr_r
4.2.56 usr_w
4.2.57 usr_x
4.2.58 writemode
4.2.59 Feature Constants The feature constants
4.2.60 File Mode The file mode constants
4.2.61 Permission Constants The permission constants
4.2.62 Platform Constants The platform constants
4.2.63 Recordset Type Constants The recordset type constants
4.3 User Defined Constant Identifiers
4.3.1 Constant definitions

5 Types
5.1 What are types?
5.2 Array types
5.3 Enumerated types
5.4 File types
5.5 Integral types
5.6 List types
5.7 Ordinal types
5.8 Pointer types
5.9 Record types
5.10 Set types
5.11 String types
5.12 Subrange types
5.13 Variant Types
5.14 Object Types
5.14.1 What are object types?
5.14.2 Generic objects
5.15 Built-in Type Identifiers
5.15.1 The built-in type identifiers
5.15.2 address type
5.15.3 binary type
5.15.4 boolean type
5.15.5 byte type
5.15.6 char type
5.15.7 dir type
5.15.8 double type
5.15.9 error type
5.15.10 filename type
5.15.11 integer type
5.15.12 real type
5.15.13 registers type
5.15.14 regtype type
5.15.15 shortint type
5.15.16 shortword type
5.15.17 single type
5.15.18 text type
5.15.19 word type
5.15.20 Connection Type The connection type connection.close connection.execute connection.selectdatabase connection.databasename connection.dbmsname connection.dbmsver connection.dmver connection.odbcver connection.procedures connection.readonly connection.transactions connection.transsupport
5.15.21 Recordset Type The recordset type recordset.close recordset.moreresults recordset.movenext recordset.eof recordset.field
5.16 User Defined Type Identifiers
5.16.1 Type definitions

6 Variables
6.1 What are variables?
6.2 Named variables
6.3 Anonymous variables
6.4 Array variables
6.5 Buffer variables
6.6 File variables
6.7 List variables
6.8 Object variables
6.9 Pointer variables
6.10 Record variables
6.11 Set variables
6.12 String variables
6.13 Built-in Variable Identifiers
6.13.1 The built-in variable identifiers
6.13.2 errors
6.13.3 exitcode
6.13.4 input
6.13.5 null
6.13.6 output
6.14 User Declared Variable Identifiers
6.14.1 Variable Declarations

7 Functions And Procedures
7.1 What are functions and procedures?
7.2 Built-in Functions
7.2.1 The built-in functions
7.2.2 The abs function
7.2.3 The addr function
7.2.4 The arctan function
7.2.5 The chr function
7.2.6 The concat function
7.2.7 The copy function
7.2.8 The copyword function
7.2.9 The cos function
7.2.10 The cosh function
7.2.11 The countwords function
7.2.12 The createobject function
7.2.13 The dirsep function
7.2.14 The eof function
7.2.15 The eoln function
7.2.16 The exp function
7.2.17 The fexpand function
7.2.18 The filematch function
7.2.19 The filepos function
7.2.20 The filesize function
7.2.21 The frac function
7.2.22 The getenv function
7.2.23 The getlasterror function
7.2.24 The hex function
7.2.25 The int function
7.2.26 The ioresult function
7.2.27 The isalpha function
7.2.28 The isalphanum function
7.2.29 The isdigit function
7.2.30 The islower function
7.2.31 The isnull function
7.2.32 The isprint function
7.2.33 The isspace function
7.2.34 The isupper function
7.2.35 The isxdigit function
7.2.36 The keypressed function
7.2.37 The length function
7.2.38 The ln function
7.2.39 The log function
7.2.40 The locase function
7.2.41 The lowercase function
7.2.42 The odd function
7.2.43 The ord function
7.2.44 The paramcount function
7.2.45 The paramstr function
7.2.46 The pi function
7.2.47 The platform function
7.2.48 The pos function
7.2.49 The pred function
7.2.50 The ptr function
7.2.51 The random function
7.2.52 The readkey function
7.2.53 The reverse function
7.2.54 The round function
7.2.55 The sin function
7.2.56 The sinh function
7.2.57 The sizeof function
7.2.58 The sqr function
7.2.59 The sqrt function
7.2.60 The stopserverviceevent function
7.2.61 The succ function
7.2.62 The supported function
7.2.63 The swap function
7.2.64 The system function
7.2.65 The tan function
7.2.66 The tanh function
7.2.67 The trim function
7.2.68 The trunc function
7.2.69 The unixplatform function
7.2.70 The upcase function
7.2.71 The uppercase function
7.2.72 The urldecode function
7.2.73 The version function
7.2.74 The wait function
7.2.75 The wherex function
7.2.76 The wherey function
7.3 User Declared Functions
7.3.1 Function declarations
7.4 Built-in Procedures
7.4.1 The built-in procedures
7.4.2 The append procedure
7.4.3 The assert procedure
7.4.4 The assign procedure
7.4.5 The chdir procedure
7.4.6 The close procedure
7.4.7 The closedir procedure
7.4.8 The clrscr procedure
7.4.9 The crc32 procedure
7.4.10 The dec procedure
7.4.11 The delay procedure
7.4.12 The delete procedure
7.4.13 The dispose procedure
7.4.14 The erase procedure
7.4.15 The exec procedure
7.4.16 The exit procedure
7.4.17 The fill procedure
7.4.18 The flush procedure
7.4.19 The fsplit procedure
7.4.20 The get procedure
7.4.21 The getdate procedure
7.4.22 The getfiledate procedure
7.4.23 The getfilemode procedure
7.4.24 The getfiletime procedure
7.4.25 The gettime procedure
7.4.26 The gotoxy procedure
7.4.27 The halt procedure
7.4.28 The inc procedure
7.4.29 The insert procedure
7.4.30 The intr procedure
7.4.31 The mkdir procedure
7.4.32 The move procedure
7.4.33 The msdos procedure
7.4.34 The new procedure
7.4.35 The open procedure
7.4.36 The opendir procedure
7.4.37 The pack procedure
7.4.38 The page procedure
7.4.39 The popen procedure
7.4.40 The put procedure
7.4.41 The randomize procedure
7.4.42 The rawread procedure
7.4.43 The rawwrite procedure
7.4.44 The read procedure
7.4.45 The readdir procedure
7.4.46 The readln procedure
7.4.47 The rename procedure
7.4.48 The reset procedure
7.4.49 The rewinddir procedure
7.4.50 The rewrite procedure
7.4.51 The rmdir procedure
7.4.52 The seek procedure
7.4.53 The setfiledate procedure
7.4.54 The setfiletime procedure
7.4.55 The sleep procedure
7.4.56 The str procedure
7.4.57 The textbackground procedure
7.4.58 The textcolor procedure
7.4.59 The traperrors procedure
7.4.60 The unpack procedure
7.4.61 The val procedure
7.4.62 The write procedure
7.4.63 The writeln procedure
7.5 User Declared Procedure
7.5.1 Procedure declarations
7.6 External Functions And Procedures
7.6.1 Calling external functions and procedures

8 Expressions
8.1 What are expressions?
8.2 Set constructors
8.3 Type Conversion Rules
8.3.1 What are type conversion rules
8.3.2 Numeric type conversion rules
8.3.3 Char/String type conversion rules
8.4 Operators
8.4.1 What are operators?
8.4.2 Arithmetic Operators The arithmetic operators Addition (+) Unary plus (+) Subtraction (-) Unary minus (-) multiplication (*) Real division (/) Integer division (div) Modulus (mod)
8.4.3 Equality Operators The equality operators Is equal Is not equal
8.4.4 Relational Operators The relational operators Is less than Is less than or equal Is greater than Is greater than or equal
8.4.5 Boolean Operators The boolean operators not (boolean) and (boolean) and_then (boolean) or (boolean) or_else (boolean) xor (boolean)
8.4.6 String Operators The string operators String concatenation (+)
8.4.7 Set Operators The set operators Set union (+) Set difference (-) Set intersection (*) Set inclusion (in)
8.4.8 Bitwise Operators The bitwise operators not (bitwise) and (bitwise) or (bitwise) xor (bitwise) Bit shift left (shl) Bit shift right (shr)

9 Statements
9.1 What are statements?
9.2 Empty statement
9.3 Assignment statement
9.4 Procedure statement
9.5 Goto statement
9.6 Compound statement
9.7 If statement
9.8 Case statement
9.9 Repeat statement
9.10 While statement
9.11 For statement
9.12 With statement
9.13 Procedure method statement

10 Pascal Compatibility Rules
10.1 Compatible types
10.2 Assignment Compatibilty
10.2.1 What is assignment compatibility?
10.2.2 Assignment compatibility with array indexing
10.2.3 Assignnment compatibility with value parameters
10.2.4 Assignment compatibility with "read"
10.2.5 Assignment compatibility with assignment statements
10.2.6 Assignment compatibility with "for"
10.2.7 Assignment compatibility with transfer procedures

11 Program Parameters
11.1 What are program parameters?

12 The Windows Sockets Library (WinSock2)
12.1 What are sockets?
12.2 Introducing The WinSock2 library
12.3 Initializing the WinSock2 library
12.4 Cleaning up WinSock2
12.5 Checking for errors
12.6 Creating Sockets
12.6.1 Creating data sockets
12.6.2 Creating listening sockets
12.7 Binding Sockets
12.7.1 The bind function
12.8 Converting Data Sockets Into Listening Sockets
12.8.1 The listen function
12.9 Blocking
12.9.1 Dealing with blocking
12.9.2 The ioctlsocket function
12.9.3 The select function
12.10 Accepting Connections
12.10.1 The accept function
12.11 Making Connections
12.11.1 The connect function
12.12 Reading Data
12.12.1 The recv function
12.12.2 The recvfrom function
12.13 Sending Data
12.13.1 The send function
12.13.2 The sendto function
12.14 How To Covert Names and IP Addresses
12.14.1 The gethostbyname function
12.14.2 The gethostbyaddr function
12.15 Closing Sockets
12.15.1 The shutdown function
12.15.2 The closesocket function
12.16 Some Other WinSock2 functions
12.16.1 The gethostname function
12.16.2 The getpeername function
12.16.3 The getsockname function
12.16.4 The getsockopt function
12.16.5 The htonl function
12.16.6 The htons function
12.16.7 The inet_addr function
12.16.8 The inet_ntoa function
12.16.9 The ntohl function
12.16.10 The ntohs function
12.16.11 The setsockopt function

13 Appendix A - Extensions to Pascal as specified by ISO/IEC 7185
13.1 What are extensions?
13.2 Allow relaxed declarations
13.3 Allow constant ranges
13.4 Allow 'otherwise'
13.5 Allow relaxed parameter list congruity
13.6 Allow non-numeric statement labels
13.7 Allow underscores in identifiers
13.8 Allow binary and hexadecimal integers
13.9 Auto-declare Input and Output
13.10 Allow double-quoted literals
13.11 Enable non-standard operators
13.12 Enable non-standard constants
13.13 Enable non-standard types
13.14 Enable non-standard variables
13.15 Enable non-standard functions
13.16 Enable non-standard procedures

14 Appendix B - Deviations from ISO/IEC 7185
14.1 Deviations from ISO/IEC 7185
14.2 end-of-line char
14.3 Termination of all lines in text files
14.4 new(p, c1..cN)
14.5 dispose(q, k1..kM)
14.6 dispose(pointer value)
14.7 Carriage returns

15 Appendix C - Implementation limits
15.1 Implementation limits
15.2 Length of source lines
15.3 Number and nesting of statement sequences
15.4 Nesting of functions/procedures
15.5 Range of variant selector's type & Number of variants
15.6 Size of integer constants
15.7 Size of real constants
15.8 Size of code and data
15.9 Number of set elements
15.10 Nesting of statements
15.11 Nesting of include directives
15.12 Stack size
15.13 Number of Source Lines
16 Appendix D - Implementation-defined features
16.1 Implementation-defined features
16.2 String-elements
16.3 Provision of tokens and delimiting characters

16.4 Size and precision of real values
16.5 Character set
16.6 Ordinal values of characters
16.7 Characters prohibited from text files
16.8 When I/O is performed
16.9 Value of "maxint"
16.10 Accuracy of real operations and functions
16.11 Default value of TotalWidth for integer-type
16.12 Default value of TotalWidth for real-type
16.13 Default value of TotalWidth for boolean-type
16.14 Number of digits written in exponents
16.15 Use of "e" or "E" as exponent character on output
16.16 Case of characters used on output of boolean values
16.17 Effect of built-in procedure "page"
16.18 Binding of file-type program-parameters
16.19 Effect of "reset" and "rewrite" on "input" and "output"

17 Appendix E - Implementation-dependent features
17.1 Implementation-dependent features
17.2 Effect of writing "prohibited" characters
17.3 Order of evaluation of index-expressions
17.4 Order of evaluation of expressions of a member-designator
17.5 Order of evaluation of member-designators
17.6 Order of evaluation of operands of dyadic operators
17.7 Order of evaluation of actual-parameters for function calls
17.8 Order of evaluating components of assignment statements
17.9 Order of evaluation of actual-parameters for procedure calls
17.10 Effect of reading a text file to which "page" has been applied
17.11 Binding of non-file program-parameters

18 Appendix F - Errors
18.1 What are errors?
18.2 Array index out of bounds
18.3 Accessing inactive variant
18.4 Dereferencing nil pointers
18.5 Dereferencing undefined pointers
18.6 Dangling pointers
18.7 Altering file-variables
18.8 Using out-of-range value parameters
18.9 Using out-of-range set value parameters
18.10 Output to file not open for writing
18.11 Output to undefined file
18.12 Writing to middle of file
18.13 Using Put on undefined buffer-variables
18.14 Resetting undefined files
18.15 Input from file not open for reading
18.16 Input from undefined file
18.17 Reading past end-of-file
18.18 Reading out of range values
18.19 Writing out of range values
18.20 new(p, c1..cN) constraints violated
18.21 Incompatible use of dispose(p)
18.22 Incompatible use of dispose(p, k1..kM)
18.23 dispose(p, k1..kM) constraint violations
18.24 disposing nil pointer
18.25 disposing undefined pointer
18.26 new(p, c1..cM) constraint violated
18.27 Invalid use of pack (1)
18.28 Invalid use of pack (2)
18.29 Invalid use of pack (3)
18.30 Invalid use of unpack (1)
18.31 Invalid use of unpack (2)
18.32 Invalid use of unpack (3)
18.33 Square of large numbers
18.34 ln(x) and x is less than or equal to 0
18.35 Square root of negative number
18.36 Problems with trunc
18.37 Problems with round
18.38 Problems with chr
18.39 Problems with succ
18.40 Problems with pred
18.41 Using eof on undefined files
18.42 Using eoln on undefined files
18.43 Using eoln at end-of-file
18.44 Using undefined variables
18.45 Real division by zero
18.46 Integer division by zero
18.47 Modulus of zero or negative
18.48 Integer overflow/underflow
18.49 Returning undefined value from function
18.50 Assigning out of range ordinal values
18.51 Assigning out of range set values
18.52 Non-matching case index
18.53 For loops initial value out of range
18.54 For loops final value out of range
18.55 Reading invalid integer values
18.56 Reading out of range integer values
18.57 Reading invalid numeric values
18.58 Reading when file is not open
18.59 Writing with TotalWidth or FracDigits less than one
18.60 Problems with program-parameters
18.61 Problems with conformant arrays

19 Appendix G - I/O error codes
19.1 I/O error codes

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Pascal language reference / PDF

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