Getting Started With Pascal Programming / PDF

Getting Started With Pascal Programming / PDF

Getting Started With Pascal Programming / PDF

Table of Contents

How are computer programs created
What is the basic structure of a Pascal Program
Variables and constants
Input and output
Pascal operators
Common programming errors
Introduction to program design


Sample of the PDF document 

Convert computer programs to machine language
•As the program is run the interpreter translates the program (translating a part at a time).
•If there are any errors during the process of interpreting the program, the program will stop running when the error is encountered.
•Before the program is run the compiler translates the program (compiling it all at once).
•If there are any errors during the compilation process, no machine language executable will be produced.
•If there are no errors during compilation then the translated machine language program can be run.

Details Of The Parts Of A Pascal Program


1) Program documentation
- What does the program do, author(s), version number, date of last modification etc.
- Comments for the reader of the program (and not the computer)
   (*   Marks the beginning of the documentation
    *)   Marks the end of the documentation

2) Program heading
-Name of program, if input and/or output operations performed by the program.
 * Tax-It v1.0: This program will electronically calculate your tax return.
program taxIt (input, output);............

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