What is UML ( Unified Modeling language) / PDF
What is UML ?
*UML -
Unified Modeling language
is a modeling language, not a methodology or process
the concepts of the Booch, OMT, OOSE methods
by Grady Booch,
James Rumbaugh and Ivar
Jacobson at Rational Software.
as a standard by the Object Management Group (OMG), in 1997.
More on UML...
UML is a modeling language for visualising, specifying, constructing and documenting the artifacts of software
Visualising - a picture is worth a thousand words; a graphical notation
articulates and unambiguously communicates the overall view of the system
Specifying - UML provides
the means to model precisely, unambiguously
and completely, the system in question.
Constructing - models built with UML have a “design” dimension to it; these
are language independent and can be implemented in any programming language.
Documenting - every software
project involves a lot of documentation - from the inception phase to the
Structural Things
The nouns of UML models; usually
the static parts of the system in question.
Class - an abstraction of a set of
things in the problem-domain that have similar properties and/or functionality.
Interface - a collection of operations that
specify the services rendered by a class or component.....
What is UML ( Unified Modeling language) / PDF
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