Fundamentals of UML and Class Diagrams and Sequence and Activity Diagrams
Introduction to UML
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a
mainly graphical notation for specifying, visualising and constructing the
descriptive diagrams and documentation of software system. It is the industry
standard for object-oriented modelling, created and maintained by the Object
Management Group.
UML1 was adopted in 1997, and combined the
best approaches from various diverse modelling languages that had been
developed since the introduction of object-oriented programming. UML2, adopted
in 2005, provides more diagrams, and significant improvements in usability and
UML can be used at various different
- The most common and recommended approach is to use it to sketch complex problems in a fairly informal way, to aid understanding. You should be selective, and only draw a diagram if it shows details more clearly than just a text description.
- UML can also be used to create a complete blueprint of the system. This is usually too time-consuming, especially if design changes before the project is complete.
- Finally it could be used as a programming language, where diagrams can be transformed to executable code. This use is not widespread.
UML can be used at the design stage, to
determine requirements, classes and the interaction between them. It can also
be used for documentation, to record the final requirements, classes and
There are many good books on UML, such as
ML Distilled Third Edition by Martin Fowler : Addison Wesley ISBN 0-321-19368-7. This book is chatty and
compact, drawing on the author’s experience.
There are many tools which can be used to
create UML diagrams. The disadvantage of these is that they often offer many
facilities which aren’t needed on this module, and so are fairly complex to
learn, and may automatically suggest notation which is incorrect for your
diagram. The advantages are that the diagrams are probably easy to alter, may
generate skeleton code, and you can mention them on your CV. In the lab, we have ArgoUML and Dia. Asking
students in the past what they prefer has never come up with a firm favourite.
I mostly draw my diagrams using the Draw option in powerpoint, simply because I
know how to do that. Even neat hand-drawn diagrams are acceptable (but scan a
copy for yourself before handing anything in).
Class Diagrams
The class
diagram shows the state and behaviour of objects of a particular class,
by splitting the rectangle into three sections.

An object has a public interface
defining the operations it will support.
An object can have private internal
operations, for its own use only
An object has private internal data,
attributes, which only its own operations can access.
The access modifier specifies whether other
classes are permitted to use the attribute or operation. Modifier values are:
+ public can be accessed by any class
- private can be accessed only by this class
# protected can be accessed by this class and its
A line
joining the classes represents an association between objects of that
class. We optionally attach a label to the association, with a black triangle
to indicate direction (e.g. Owner has Dogs).
We can also
add multiplicities to show the degree of association - very much like
entity-relationship diagrams. Note how they are read
owner has 0 or more dogs.
dog has only one owner.

drawing associations, the attributes and operations are sometimes omitted. This
is a good idea when there are a lot of classes – use classnames only and show
links between the classes, and show the attributes and operations in a separate
Open arrow
heads on the associations show navigability. This indicates which object
needs to know about which other object to make an association work. We
try to keep navigability one way to reduce coupling – the number of
links between classes.
You may
also see diamonds, open or filled, on the association lines. These represent
aggregation and composition, and should be used with care. I wasn’t going to
cover these in this course, but since you will find them in UML tools, I had
better mention them.
represents the ability of one instance to send a message to another instance.
This is typically implemented with a pointer or reference instance variable,
although it might also be implemented as a method argument, or the creation of
a local variable.
is an association which specifies a whole/part relationship, and is shown with
an open diamond. E.g. A Team consists of Employees and subTeams.
Composition is
a stronger aggregation, in which the part does not exist without the whole. It
is shown with a filled diamond.
So you can see that you should not freely
add filled in diamonds to all your associations.
is covered in the
second half of the course. Inheritance between classes
is shown with an open triangle. The same symbol is used for superclasses and
interfaces, with the tag <> or <
included with the classname......
Fundamentals of UML and Class Diagrams and Sequence and Activity Diagrams
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