Download tutorial : UML Notations in CommonKADS

Download tutorial : UML Notations in CommonKADS

Download tutorial : UML Notations in CommonKADS

Background UML

Nineties: number of popular object-oriented methods
Unified Modeling Language: proposal for set of standard notations
wide attention
mainly meant for analysis phase

UML notations used 

*Class diagram
static information structure (“data”)
*Activity diagram
combined function/control view
*Use-case diagram
high level view of system services (functional)
*State diagram
highly interactive control

Activity diagram

Model control and information flow of a procedure or process
Useful if control is mainly synchronous
otherwise: use state diagram
Use in CommonKADS: modeling the organizational process
worksheet OM-2 of the organization model
Can also be used to model control flow within a task method (knowledge model)

Action state

State in which some work is being done
activity, task
State terminates when the work is finished
ädifference with state diagrams
After termination the action state can lead to another action state
“state transition”
Special symbols for being and end of a procedure or process

Swim lanes
Process can sometimes be distributed over several agents or organizational units
Notation: use compartments
In particular useful when modeling a business process (e.g. in organization model) 

Download tutorial : UML Notations in CommonKADS

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