Exam in vb / PDF

 Exam in vb / PDF

Exam in vb / PDF

1.      Define each of the following ALU, BASIC, RAM, ROM, and GUI.
2.      What is machine language?
3.      What is the purpose of the Form Layout Window in VB?
4.      How you know that a line is a comment line? Hint: the first character in the line
5.      What is the difference between Name and Caption properties of an object?
6.      What are the initials used in naming the objects text box, label, picture box?
7.      How you represent a string constant? Hint: first and last character should be “
8.      How you store the input box result in a string variable x? How you store the input box result in an integer variable y?
Hint: x=inputbox(“enter value”) y=val(inputbox(“enter value”))
9.      What is the difference between drag and hover is using the mouse?
10.  Give an example of each of the following:
a.       Flowchart
b.      Psedocode
c.       Hierarchy chart
11.  Discuss the steps of the program development cycle, and their order importance.
12.  Which of the following is considered as an input tool, or an output one or both?
a.       Picturebox: for output
b.      Textbox: for input & output
c.       Label:  for output
d.      Inputbox: for input
13.  How to change the font style and the size of the text within the code.
14.  Mention the rules of naming variables in VB. Give examples of valid and invalid names.
15.  What is the default name of a label, command buttons, picture box, textbox, etc.
Text1, Text2,….. for textboxes
Command1, command2,…. For command buttons.  … etc
16.  What is the purpose of the Chr, Val, Asc, and Str functions? Give examples.
17.  How to clear the pictureboxes, textboxes, and labels?
18.  What is the output of the following Code:
a.       Print  “AB” & “CD”
b.      Print  “AB”; ”CD”
c.       Print  “AB” , “CD”
d.      Print  “AB” & 1
e.       Print  “AB” ; 4
f.       Print  3 & “AB” & 1
g.       Print  3 ; “AB” ; 1
h.      Print  3 , “AB” , 1
i.        Print  4 ; “AB”
j.        Print  1 ; 2
k.      Print  1 , 2
l.        Print  str(2) , 2
19.  Discuss the functionality of Len, Left, Right, Mid, InStr, Tab, FormatNumber, and FormateCurrency functions. Give example for using each of them separately or mixed. Example: right(left(“abcd”,2),1)  ,    len(left(“abcdefgh”,4)) …   etc
20.  what is the result of   int(rnd*15)+7?

21.         Which of the following is an invalid filename

  1. home;     work1.doc
  2. [homework1].txt
  3. Homework*2.xls
  4. 2.home,work.txt
  5. All of the above

22.         Which of the following is an invalid filespec

  1. C:\temp#\data.pdf
  2. A:\VisualBasic\cs116\munzer@just.edu.jo
  3. \Temp\data.pdf
  4. 1 and 2
  5. All of the above.....

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