Course visual basic : environment

Course visual basic : environment

Course visual basic : environment

-          a high level programming language
-          created by Microsoft
-          capable of developing Windows based applications and games
-          an event-driven language
-          a graphical environment which allows you to easily design, run and debug the program you are creating.

  1. APPLICATIONcollection of objects that work together to accomplish certain task/s for its users.  Examples:  Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop
  2. PROJECT a collection of objects (buttons, label, images, etc. that were placed together to create an application that will be useful to people.  Examples:  Payroll System, Quiz Bee Scoring Program
  3. OBJECT a piece of software that has properties and functions that can be managed or controlled.  Examples: a window, dialog box
  4. PROPERTY characteristic of an object.  Examples:  color, size, background
  5. FORM the first object you will see on the screen when you open Visual Basic.  It is where all controls are placed.  It is also where you will enter data and see results.
  6. CONTROLS the objects you put in a form.  Examples:  text box, label, command button
  7. OBJECT ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT a place wherein application is created using objects and combining them to produce an output.  Examples:  Visual Basic Environment
  8. CODE computer instructions written by the programmer.  These will indicate what the action or result will be when an event occurs.  Examples:  getting the total of 2 numbers once the button is clicked.
  9. SCRIPT other name for code
  10. DESIGN TIME a time when you visually design and layout the forms and the objects on it.
  11. RUN TIME a time when the program is executed.


Parts and Functions:

  1. TITLE BAR – shows the title.
  2. MENU BAR – consists of different menus that hold different functions.
  3. TOOL BAR – contains several buttons for commonly used commands.
  4. PROJECT EXPLORER WINDOW – contains the project files and groups them by type.
  5. TOOLBOX – contains different controls for objects that can be placed in the form.
  6. FORM – the working area where the different controls are displayed.
  7. PROPERTIES WINDOW – displays attribute of the currently selected component.
  8. FORM LAYOUT WINDOW – shows the form’s position on the screen when the program is executed.
  9. PROJECT CONTAINER WINDOW –  the box that holds the form.

Project Explorer Window Buttons:

    1. VIEW CODE button – opens the window for writing Visual Basic codes
    2. VIEW OBJECT button – displays the form
    3. TOGGLE FOLDERS button – shows or hides the content of the Forms folder........

Download Course visual basic : environment

Course visual basic : environment

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