Course String manipulation in C#
Course String manipulation in C#
String formatting
Some formatting codes
String manipulation methods
String formatting
- String.Format(formatstring, arguments)
- Also supported by Console.WriteLine() and others
- Format string contains groups of the form {index[,alignment][:codes]}
- Index of first argument after format string is 0
- Alignment specifies number of characters to use (padded with spaces at left if positive, at right if negative)
- Codes are interpreted based on the value’s type
- Alignment and codes can be omitted
- Relies extensively on objects’ ToString() method
Some formatting codes
- For numbers n – use comas to separate thousands,e – scientific notation, x and X – hexadecimal, 0indicates padding with 0s, # indicates position of digits (see demo4)
- For dates and times: d and D – short/long date, t/T – short/long time, mm – a minutes, MM – month asnumber, MMM – month as 3 letter code, MMMM – month name
- g stands for the generic default format for all types
- For more details on formatting see csharp/
String manipulation methods
- Some methods of the String class
- Trim() removes whitespaces from both ends of string
- Split(char[] separators) splits string into an array of substrings separated by the given characters
- SubString(int index, int length) extracts the substring of given length from the given position
- IndexOf(string substring, int startIndex) finds first occurrence of given substring after given index
- LastIndexOf(string substring) finds last indexwhere substring occurs
- Replace(string oldValue, string newValue)
- Strings are immutable objects
- Whenever a new string created, it uses a new memory location
- This happens whenever strings are concatenated, trimmed, characters replaced, etc.
- Inefficient if a large string built by many small changes
- The StringBuilder class allows more efficient inplace manipulation
- Appending strings, replacing substrings and characters, removing substrings, etc............
Course String manipulation in C#
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