ASP.NET tutorial: .NET Environment

ASP.NET tutorial: .NET Environment 

ASP.NET tutorial: .NET Environment

.NET environment

lCommon Language Runtime (CLR)
¡Basis for the .NET environment
¡Code is compiled to .dll files
¡A solution can contain code of multiple languages
¡Visual Studio (.Net Framework 1.0)
¡Visual Studio 2003 (.Net Framework 1.1)
¡Visual Studio 2005 (.Net Framework 2.0)
¡.Net Framework 3.0
¡Visual Studio Orcas (.Net Framework 3.5)

HISTORY & Changes

lVisual Studio .NET (2002) - .Net Framework 1.0
lVisual Studio 2003 (2003) - .Net Framework 1.1
lVisual Studio 2005 (2005) - .Net Framework 2.0/3.0
¡Many new features
¡New Data Controls (GridView, FormView, DetailsView)
¡Navigation Controls
¡Master Pages
¡Login controls
¡Allows full pre-compilation
lVisual Studio 2008 - .Net Framework 3.5
¡Ajax integration
¡Nested  master pages
¡Additional data controls

ASP.NET Components

lInterface pages
lCode Behind Pages
lMaster Pages (only .NET 2.0 and higher)
lUser Controls
lStyle Sheets
lAdditional Components for .Net 3.0

¡Windows Presentation Foundation  - advanced graphics
¡Windows Communication Foundation – allows programs to act more like web services using a service-oriented messaging system
¡Windows Workflow Foundation
¡Windows CardSpace


lFaster than script-based languages since it is converted into precompiled dlls
lEasier error handling (caught before run-time, allows try-catch blocks)
lCan use existing controls and templates provided
lAn extensive set of controls and class libraries allows the rapid building of applications.
lThe Code-behind the interfaces can be coded in the language of preference
lAbility to cache the whole page or just parts of it to improve performance.
lAbility to separate the looks of the page and the code-behind. 
lThe CLR will take care of garbage collection, and other basic functions...

ASP.NET tutorial: .NET Environment

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