JavaScript Slideshow / PDF

JavaScript Slideshow  / PDF

JavaScript Slideshow / PDF

Table of Contents

Method: constructor
Method: load
Method: destroy
Method: first
Method: prev
Method: pause
Method: next
Method: last
Method: go


Sample of the PDF document 

Method: constructor

Creates an instance of the Slideshow class. Applied to an existing element(s) in the HTML. Can parse in existing images, alt attributes, thumbnails, etc. or create as necessary.


vvaarr myShow = nneeww SSlliiddeesshhooww(element, data, options);

1. element - (element) The wrapper element.
2. data - (array or object) The images and optional thumbnails, captions and links for the show.
3. options - (object) The options below.

accesskeys - (object) Object of custom key/label combinations for accessibility accesskeys. The "key" can be any combination of
alphanumeric keys and/or modifiers (one of shift, control or alt) separated by commas. The "label" can be any localized text that will
appear as a tooltip.
captions1 - (boolean or Fx options object: default false) Whether to show captions.
center2 - (boolean: default true) Whether the show should attempt to center images.
classes3 - (array) An array of CSS class names to use with styling the show.
controller1 - (boolean or Fx options object: default false) Whether to show controller.
delay - (integer: default 2000) The delay between slide changes in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).
duration - (integer: default 750) The duration of the effect in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).
fast - (boolean, integer or one of the named constants) Originally related to "fast mode" a slideshow mode where transitions were
skipped. The named constants are WhenPaused, WhenPlaying and OnStart and can be combined using the bitwise OR operator | (a
single bar). For example, fast = WhenPaused tells Slideshow to skip transitions when the user navigates a paused show. Or, fast =
WhenPaused | WhenPlaying tells slideshow to always skip transitions when the user navigates the show.
height - (boolean or integer: default false) Optional height value for the show as a whole integer, if a height value is not given the height
of the default image will be used.
href - (string: default empty) A single link for the show, inherited from the HTML href of the default image.
hu - (string) Path to the image directory, relative or absolute, default is the root directory of the website, use an empty string for the
same directory as the webpage.
linked - (boolean: default false) Whether the class should automatically link each slide to the fullsize image, useful when mashing
Slideshow with Slimbox, Lightbox, etc.
loader1 - (boolean or Fx options object: default object) Show the loader graphic for images being loaded.
loop - (boolean: default true) Should the show loop.
match - (regexp) A regular expression the class uses to parse the URL, will overwrite "slide" below, default looks for ?slide=n where
"n" would be the slide to start from.
onStart, onComplete, onEnd - (function) Events that are fired on the start or completion of a slide change and at the end of a nonlooping
overlap - (boolean: default true) Whether images overlap in the basic show, or if the first image transitions out before the second
overlap - (boolean: default true) Whether images overlap in the basic show, or if the first image transitions out before the second
transitions in.
paused - (boolean: default false) Whether the show should start paused.
random - (boolean: default false) Random show, combined with thumbnails equals very cool!
replace - (array) An array, consisting of a regular expression pattern and a string replacement, for building thumbnail filenames based
on the name of the original image, default appends a "t" to the image filename before the extension.
resize - (boolean or string: default "fill") Whether the show should attempt to resize images, based on the shortest side (default) or
longest side ("fit") or resize without preserving proportions ("stretch"). Set to false to disable image resizing.
slide - (integer: default 0) Slide from which to start the show.
thumbnails1 - (boolean or Fx options object: default false) Whether to show thumbnails.
titles - (boolean) Whether to use captions for image and thumbnail title attributes.
transition - (function: default Sine) Transition to use with base and push type shows (requires Mootools with Fx.Transitions).
width - (boolean or integer: default...........

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JavaScript Slideshow  / PDF

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