C to Pascal Programmers / PDF

C to Pascal Programmers / PDF
C to Pascal Programmers / PDF

Table of Contents

 Variable Declarations
 Assignment Statements
 Relational Expressions and Conditional Statements 
 Examples to Put it All Together


Sample of the PDF document 


This Web extension is meant for readers familiar with Pascal but not C. It is
not intended as a tutorial on how to write C programs, but as a way of allowing
the reader familiar with Pascal to better understand the small amount of
C code that appears in this book. Given the level of examples in this book,
these differences are primarily syntactic.

There is no standard Pascal type for unsigned integers or double precision
floating point. Also, Pascal ignores capitalization in variable names while

Variable Declarations

There is no standard Pascal type for unsigned integers or double precision
floating point. Also, Pascal ignores capitalization in variable names while

Download C to Pascal Programmers / PDF

C to Pascal Programmers / PDF

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