Learn Borland C++ / PDF

Learn  Borland C++ / PDF

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What Is C++Builder?

By now you know that C++Builder is Borland’s hot new rapid application development (RAD) product for writing C++ applications. With C++Builder you can write C++ Windows programs more quickly and more easily than was ever possible before. You can create Win32 console applications or Win32 GUI (graphical user interface) programs. When creating Win32 GUI applications with C++Builder, you have all the power of C++ wrapped up in a RAD environment. What this means is that you can create the user interface to a program (the user interface means the menus, dialog boxes, main window, and so on) using drag-anddrop
techniques for true rapid application development. You can also drop OCX controls on forms to create specialized programs such as Web browsers in a matter of minutes.

C++Builder gives you all of this, but you don’t sacrifice program execution speed because you still have the power that the C++ language offers you.

I can hear you saying, “This is going to be so cool!” And guess what? You’re right! But before you go slobbering all over yourself with anticipation, I also need to point out that the C++ language is not an easy one to master. I don’t want you to think that you can buy a program like C++Builder and be a master Windows programmer overnight. It takes a great deal of work to be a good Windows programmer. C++Builder does a great job of hiding some of the low-level details that make up the guts of a Windows program, but it cannot write programs for you.

 In the end, you must still be a programmer, and that means you have to learn programming. That can be a long, uphill journey some days. The good news is that C++Builder can make your trek fairly painless and even fun. Yes, you can work and have fun doing it!

So roll up your sleeves and get your hiking shoes on. C++Builder is cool, so have fun.

A Quick Look at the C++Builder IDE

This section contains a quick look at the C++Builder IDE. We’ll give the IDE a once-over here, and we’ll examine it in more detail on Day 6, “The C++Builder IDE Explored: Projects and Forms.” Because you are tackling Windows programming, I’ll assume you are advanced enough to have figured out how to start C++Builder. When you first start the program, you are presented with both a blank form and the IDE, as shown in Figure 1.1.

The C++Builder IDE (which stands for integrated development environment) is divided into three parts. The top window might be considered the main window. It contains the speedbar on the left and the Component Palette on the right. The speedbar gives you one-click access to tasks like opening, saving, and compiling projects. The Component Palette contains a wide array of components that you can drop onto your forms. (Components are things like text labels, edit controls, list boxes, buttons, and the like.) For convenience, the components..........

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