Sample of the pdf document : 

If you’re not familiar with web page design it can seem difficult to comprehend. Basically, there are two files you’ll need to create a web page – an index.html file and a style.css file. The index.html file is where you enter most of the text, images (.gif, .jpg, etc.) and tables for your web page. The index.html file can be hand coded in the html language using Notepad as your text editor. The style.css file is created (Notepad) in order to format and position everything on your web page - headers, links, side bars, text size and styles.

Therefore, the index.html file must include a command line that calls out the style.css file so that the
browser (Internet Explorer or FireFox) knows how to arrange the information on your web page. That
command is explained below.

FYI: The index.html file is the ‘file name’ of your web page. All web pages MUST be named index.html.

The first file the host server program looks for (and executes) when someone tries to load your web page off the internet is the ‘index.html’ file. Just remember, after you finish creating your web page in html code, save the file as ‘index.html’.

NOTE: In order for your style.css file (stylesheet) to work together with your index.html file
(your web page) you must enter the following lines of text into your index.html file:
Example web page (index.html). Enter all the text in bold within the proper headings (head, body):

<link href=”style.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”>
<div id=”container”>
<div id=”header”> This is the header</div>
<div id=”leftnav”> This is the leftnav</div>
<div id=”rightnav”> This is the rightnav</div>
<div id=”body”> This is the body</div>
<div id=”footer”> This is the footer</div>

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