Tutorial : Introduction to C++ / PDF

Tutorial : Introduction to C++ / PDF

Tutorial : Introduction to C++ / PDF

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Q: What is C++

nC++ is a compiled, object-oriented language
nIt is the “successor” to C, a procedural languag
n(the “++” is called the successor operator in C++)
nC was derived from a language called B which was in turn derived from BCPL
nC was developed in the 1970’s by Dennis Ritchie of AT&T Bell Labs
nC++ was developed in the early 1980’s by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs.
nMost of C is a subset of C++

C++ Program

Consists of…
nDefine the use of various identifiers, thus creating the elements used by the program (computer)
nOr executable statements, representing actions the computer will take on the user’s behalf


nNames for various entities used in a program; used for...
nVariables: values that can change frequently
nConstants: values that never changes
nFunctions: programming units that represents complex operations
nParameters: values that change infrequently


nAssignment is an operation that assigns the value of an expression to a variable
Total = 2 + 3 + 5
nFirst, the expresssion “2 + 3 + 5” is evaluated
nThen, this value is assigned to the variable “Total”.........

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Tutorial : Introduction to C++ / PDF

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