Free course : introduction to programming with Pascal / PDF

Free course : introduction to programming with Pascal / PDF 

Free course : introduction to programming with Pascal / PDF

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This tutorial is to get you started programming with Pascal. By the end of the tutorial you should know how to run a simple Pascal program.  We will run a program which displays “Hello World!” to the screen. We will also be using Free Pascal and your computer’s command prompt; all of which will be explained.

About Pascal

Pascal I is a programming language invented in 1971 by Dr. Niklaus Wirth. Named after the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, it is written to be easy to understand and compile. From the early 1980’s to 1999, Pascal was used in the Computer Science exam portion of the Advanced Placement exam for high school students. This and the development of the Turbo Pascal compiler helped increase the popularity of Pascal. Recently, Pascal has lost much of its popularity to the language C++ (which is used by Windows).

About File Mangers

A file manager is used to organize the files in your computer. Files can be stored in File Folders (think of the file folders we use to put paper in). File Folders can be stored in other folders, providing even more levels of organization. For example you might have on your computer several folders named, “Work”, “School”, and “Music”. In the “School” folder you could have several more folders named “Math”, “Science”, “Reading”, etc. and then in the “Science” folder you might have a bunch of files containing your papers or reports for your science class. A file manager will often provide multiple ways to navigate and organize your folders and files.

About Command Prompts

You can think of a Command Prompt as a way of “talking” to your computer. You type commands into the command prompt window as a way of “prompting” it to do certain things. We will be using the command prompt to compile and run your program.

For information on command prompts go to

About Free Pascal

Free Pascal is a free open source compiler for Pascal. “Open source” means whoever downloads it also has access to the code which was used to write it. And “compiler” means it is used to change a programming language which humans can understand (in this case Pascal), into machine language which the computer can understand.....

Download Free course : introduction to programming with Pascal / PDF

Free course : introduction to programming with Pascal / PDF 

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