Tutorial C++ : Summary of the C++ language / PDF

Tutorial C++ : Summary of the C++ language / PDF

Tutorial C++ : Summary of the C++ language / PDF

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Comments:             // rest of line is ignored

I/O:                             cin >> i;          // no & needed
         cout << “i = “ << i << endl;
            manipulators:           dec, hex, setw(int), setfill(int), left, right

Types:      bool  b;            // either true or false
   enum day_of_week {sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat};
   day_of_week d;
   const int MAX 999;   // use const instead of #define

Assignment operator:
            Assignment also has a value associated with it - the rhs of the assignment
   j = (p=3);           // j is assigned 3

Comma operator:
     for (i=0,j=0;i<10 ...="..." i="i" j="j" o:p="o:p">
            An expression involving the comma operator has the value of the right-hand expression.
   k = (i=4),(j=5);     // k is assigned 5

Conditional operator:
   m = (n>10)? 4 : 5;

break, continue:
            Flow around a loop may be altered by the use of:
            break - ends the loop
            continue - restarts the loop - increment of a for loop, test of a while loop.

            Variables may be declared anywhere. They will exist until the enclosing block terminates.

Default arguments:
            Arguments to functions may be given default values:
int fct(int i=5,int j=0);
Function overloading:
            Versions of the same function may exist, if the arguments or return types are different:
int max(int m, int n);
float max(float x, float y);

            The compiler chooses which function to call in the following order:
                        look for an exact match
                        look for a match by promoting short->long, float->double etc
                        look for a match by converting float->int

Inline functions:
            The overhead of calling a function can be removed if the function is declared inline.
inline cube(int j) {return j*j*j;}

            The compiler will not create inline functions for recursive functions.
            Code size will increase if large inline functions are used.

Call by reference:
            Arguments that are changed within a function, no longer need to be passed as pointers. Arguments that are passed using call-by-reference can be altered by the function:
   int m=3;
   cout << m;           // m is now 4
void change_it(int &n) {    //n refers back to m
   n = 4;

            Static local variables retain their value from one function call to another.
            Static global variables are only visible to functions within that particular source file.
            Global variables can be made visible to other source files using extern.
            Functions are known across all source files by default
            Static functions are known only to the particular source file.

            C++ uses namespace to further restrict scope:
namespace XXX {
   void fct(void);
            fct is only known within the namespace XXX.
            To access the function either use the scope operator ::

            or allow all functions within the namespace to be used directly with:
using namespace XXX;

            Header files that obey the namespace convention have no .h.
            Normal C functions are all within the namespace std

Memory allocation:
            new and delete are better ways of allocating and freeing dynamic memory than malloc and free
int *p,*q;
p = new int;
q = new int[20];
delete p;
delete [] q;       //special form to delete arrays......

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Tutorial C++ : Summary of the C++ language / PDF

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