Quick C language tutorial / PDF

Quick C language tutorial / PDF

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The C Language
• Currently one of the most commonly-used programming languages
• “High-level assembly”
• Small, terse but powerful
• Very portable:compiler exists for virtually every processor
• Produces efficient code
• It is at once loved and hated

History of C
• Developed during 1969-73 in the bell labs
• C is a by product of Unix
• C is mostly credited to Dennis Ritchie
• Evolved from B, which evolved from BCPL

• Original machine(DEC PDP-11) was very small
 24k bytes of memory,
 12k used for operating systems
• When I say small, I mean memory size, not actual size.

Why is C Dangerous
• C’s small, unambitious feature set is an advantage and disadvantage
• The price of C’s flexibility
• C does not, in general, try to protect a programmer from his/her mistakes
• The International Obfuscated C Code

Programming Process
• Source code must carry extension .c
• But may be named with any valid Unix file name
  Example: 01-helloworld.c

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Quick C language tutorial / PDF

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